- Server Rules
- Use common sense.
- Do not PROMOTE CHAT SPAM for summit’s stream. This is a permanent ban.
- Do not be annoying in front of summit (spinning around in circles, shooting/knifing him). This is a permanent ban.
- Beware: summit will come in and change the map without saying anything.
- No racism, this is a permanent ban without warning.
- Please don’t advertise your shitty websites or twitch streams. Having these in your name isn’t a big deal but don’t go beyond that.
- If you feel like you’ve been wrongly banned, contact @Smokey_TV on twitter or contact the admin that banned you directly somehow.
- If someone is hacking and you HAVE PROOF AND THEIR STEAM ID (type status in console to get this) hit me up on twitter @Smokey_TV or talk to another one of my admins.